
How To...

What do you do when you get pen or ink on one of your favorite shirts or pair of pants? This recently happened to me. In between clients, rushing about with my special red pen, I swiped it across the bottom of my white ruffle blouse from Forever 21. I freaked. The fabric is delicate so I did not want to run to the bathroom with anxiety in hand. I decided to wait until I got home.

From the grapevine, I found out how to make my beloved blouse look like new. Take a few hints from me: Glycerin.

Check the tag right off the bat. Glycerin will only remove the ink on washable fabrics. Place a clean cloth underneath the stain, inside the garment, to prevent any seepage.

Next, dip a cotton swab into the glycerin (not too much you just need a little). Rub carefully on the stain for a couple of minutes.

Last, mix a few drops of Woolite with a small amount of water. Apply the mixture to the stain with a fresh cotton ball until a lather forms, then wash the item in cold water.

Bravo! Good as new. You can find glycerin at most stores for around $2.

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