
A Baroque Christmas

I hope all of my followers and readers had an amazing November and enjoyed all the holidays in between.

It has been much too long since my last post, however I have sparked this new found interest and inspiration to endure my ever slow RAM and trudge through and get my fashion posts out there.

Enough about me and more about fashion! We are deep within the holiday season so dressing the part is absolutely crucial. When I think of dressing for a holiday party, get-together, or event I imagine glitz and glamour, rich fabrics and textures, and metallics.

Nothing fits the bill better than the Baroque and Roll trend from the Fall 2010 shows. The look straight from the runway includes brocade, jacquard, and velvet. The key not not looking like Louis the XIV, is to balance such opulence with a slim pencil skirt, skinny trouser or jean while adding a touch of tough with biker boots or serious strappy heels. Dark colors work the best against such luxurious fabrics. Try a baroque coat, blazer, dress, or pants. Each piece will not just feel festive but will also have a bit of joie de vivre.

Charlotte Russe has a fabulous blazer for 39.50.

So get a little baroque and rock around that Christmas tree.

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