I hate when you get so excited for a job interview, take the utmost care to plan what you're wearing, land the job, then you hate it. This may or may not be my case, but I know it is many others. Why do we stay at jobs that we do not enjoy? The money? Possibly, well who I am I kidding? That is the main reason we all stay and endure pain and drudgery.
I have this rule. I call it the "Three Year Assessment" or "Clothes Out". If I am feeling a little on the latter about my job, I look at my work scenario, have I been there almost three years and my clothes feel right going to this job?: If the answer is yes, stick it out and it could be hormones or a bad week; if the answer is no, time to start applying for bigger and better things. If I have not been at a position for even close to three years, I look at how what clothes I am wearing and how I feel in them.
I know you may be thinking I have lost it, but seriously, consider the fact. Your clothes tell so much about you. You have no idea how much can be assessed by ones' wardrobe. If I enjoy dressing for work and am wearing my usual stylish pieces, I can chalk up my displeasure to something that may be out of my hands (hormones, crazy co-workers, horrible hours, w/e); if I am not dressing like Jessica there is serious trouble and I need to get out quick.
I learned this in college (yes, that is what I got out of my four years and $30,000 in loans!). I hated college so much that I was wearing yoga and sweat pants almost everyday (almost, because other days I would just wear my scrubs). Scary coming from me right? Yes! It is like a form of clothing/work depression. I even saw a social worker for this. She did not help, but I learned that I had to endure the rest of the school year and then get the hell out!
The moral of the story is, if your clothes (coveted clothes) are not feeling right when you are in whatever (school, work, etc), it is not right for you. Repeat, it is not the clothes, it is the situation you are in! Am I right or am I right?
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